I have been sent this wonderful surprise today by a dear blogger Fairymadjo-over at http://fairymadjojo.blogspot.com/ I understand I am now to forward it to 6 people-although I don't think I know 6! So... I would like to send it to :okieladybughttp://okieladybugsscrapnmore.blogspot.com/Very inspiring and knows everything about the cricut machine!
2-hollyhttp://hogwildaboutstamping.blogspot.com/ She has been so helpful and I love her out of the box thinking!
3-Jillyhttp://jillyscreations.blogspot.com/ Always has wonderful cards on her blog, and she was my first follower!
4-taraghttp://inkingontheedge.blogspot.com/my second follower and she has such talent!!
5-Pricillahttp://skraptaculardesigns.blogspot.com/I love her cards, and I won her blog-this is my way of thanking her!!
6-robynhttp://thepinkstamper.blogspot.com/she has some really great tutorials-thanks robyn
Well, there you have it-I guess I could find 6!! Thanks everyone
Thanks Rhonda for the award! I so appreciate it!
Ahhhh! thanks for the Award Rhonda! That is so so sweet of you! If, you e-mail me(it's on my blog in my complete profile) we can swap addresses, smile! Hugs, Tara
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